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... Russians to have national 'sex day' Russians to have national 'sex day'

12 September 2007

Imagine the government telling the country to take the day off to have sex. Well, that's exactly what's happening in Russia today.

The governor of the country's Ulyanovsk region has offered prizes for couples who can have a baby exactly nine months from today.

This will mean giving birth on June 12th 2008, which is Russia's national day.

Sergei Morozov, the governor, is calling on couples to take the day off work to have sex.

The country has experienced a decrease in population and this baby-making drive is seeking to rectify this trend.

Mr Morozov to the AP: "If there's a good, healthy atmosphere at home within the family, if the husband and wife both love each other and their child, they will be in good spirits… So there'll be a healthy atmosphere throughout the country."

Women who have a second or third child, the BBC reports, get $9,000 from the state for education and expenses around the home.ADNFCR-1043-ID-18277370-ADNFCR