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... Scientists prove flowers really are a turn-on for girls Scientists prove flowers really are a turn-on for girls

15 March 2012

“Flowers activate romance and act as a facilitator in dating,”are some of the results stated by Dr Gueguen and published in the journal Psychology Press.

Women are far more likely to find a man attractive and accept a date with a stranger if they are in the presence of colourful blooms.

Researchers have found that the associations between flowers and romance are so strong that men don’t have to buy a bunch of flowers. Just a pot of daffodils on a nearby table or a splash of colour from the garden will soften the female heart.

In one study 46 female volunteers waited in a room on their own and watched a video of a man talking about himself.
Half the women watched the video in a room decorated with vases of flowers – roses, daisies and marigolds The other 50% women sat in an identical room with no flowers.

The women in the room with flowers rated the man as more attractive ...and were even more willing to go on a date with him.

Prof Richard Wiseman, a University of Hertfordshire psychologist who has researched the science of attraction, said “Flowers are associated with romance so it is possible that they are priming the women”.

He added “since flowers look and smell nice, it puts someone in a good mood and thus you are more likely to be creative, friendly, generous and to find someone attractive”.