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... Sexist men 'earn more money' Sexist men 'earn more money'

28 September 2008

Sexist men are more successful in the workplace and with the ladies, new research reveals.

A study by the Journal of Applied Psychology revealed that "old-fashioned" men who think a woman's place is in the home are likely to earn nearly £5,000 a year more than their "modern man" counterparts.

According to a British psychologist, men who have the upper hand with the women in their lives are likely to be more powerful in their professions and therefore earn more money.

The study, which was undertaken at the University of Florida, involved looking at the attitudes and pay packets of 12,686 men and women between 1979 and 2005.

They were asked whether they thought a woman should not work and whether higher female employment would lead to more juvenile delinquency.

It revealed that those men who held the more traditional views were also higher earners.

Researcher Dr Timothy Judge said: "More traditional people may be seeking to preserve the historical separation of work and domestic roles - our results prove that is, in fact, the case."