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... Silver Separations: Rising Divorces In the UK Silver Separations: Rising Divorces In the UK

14 March 2012

Such is the rapid increase of divorce rates in the over 60s age range that it has now been labeled as the “silver separations” generation.

Brian Farrell, solicitor and specialist in family law with Tilly Bailey Irvine Solicitors, says “The upturn in the divorce rate hit the news late last year. However, the divorce rate in the over-60s had risen a year earlier and was up again in 2010. This has surprised many but people in their 60s and 70s do not consider themselves old, and some are choosing a different future”.

Mr Farrell said that there are a number of reasons responsible for the increase in divorce rates. People are living longer and are more active. Couples who have ‘grown apart’ might opt for a new direction and new experiences at this stage in life.

Mary Balfour, founder of GrownUpDating.co.uk says “being 66 I know all about the dating challenge for singles of all ages from personal experience”. Her site http://www.grownupdating.com focusses on the increasing number of older singles - many of whom are divorced.

Mr Farrell said “While children would be all grown up, property, pensions and inheritance will be high on the list of priorities”. Now-a-days there are numerous options opening up for divorces in England and Wales, which tends to make the process less stressful, or perhaps resolve the entire issues among both parties before going to court.