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... Snoring partners keep women awake Snoring partners keep women awake

15 April 2008

Half of women in the UK do not get nearly enough shut-eye because they cannot get to sleep for their partner's snoring.

No matter how much these women toss and turn, or nudge their partners they simply cannot stop them making the infernal racket which makes it impossible to get to sleep.

For many women polled in the study by Snoreeze, they are being told by their partners that they should simply get used to the noise if they love them.

But what's love got to do with it, when you have to get up every morning and go to work, without having had any rest.

One in ten women said in order to save themselves, they sleep in another room at least once a week to get away from their snoring loved-one, healthydirect.com reports.

Dr Neil Stanley, a sleep expert at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, said: "Many partners of snorers will complain about sleep deprivation and snoring is a major contributing factor to this.

"There is a tendency to dismiss snoring as a detrimental factor to health and wellbeing and many people don't realise the range of options available to them to help combat snoring; the latest result is a reflection of this."