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... Stress 'causing women health problems' Stress 'causing women health problems'

25 June 2008

Stressful lives are playing havoc on women's stomachs and making them feel unattractive and bloated, according to a new survey.

A recent poll found that 27 per cent of women felt their waists expanded by as much as 2.3 inches – a whole dress size –when they were suffering from tummy troubles.

The survey by Imodium Plus revealed that the increase in these conditions can be put down to women's increasingly stressful lives.

It is becoming increasingly difficult for women to have successful careers, great social lives and sizzling relationships and the pressure of having to play the balancing act is causing them stress.

This stress has led to a rise in digestive health problems including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

When suffering from these conditions, 56 per cent of respondents said they felt unattractive, while a further 52 per cent said they felt self-conscious.

Nick Read, a gastroenterology expert, said: "The increase in the incidence of IBS and regular bouts of diarrhoea, cramps and bloating, particularly for those with stress-prone personalities, clearly demonstrate that the effects of stress for many women are commonly felt in the stomach.

"Fortunately though, by improving their lifestyles, managing their stress levels and self-medicating with products to relieve the symptoms, stomach stress is completely treatable."
