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... Study: Men look for beauty, while women want riche Study: Men look for beauty, while women want riche

8 April 2008

Men look for beauty, while women are more drawn to a man's bank balance when looking for their ideal partner, according to a new survey.

Researchers at Indiana University studied the behaviour and choices of a group of men and women taking part in a speed-dating session in Germany.

The study authors asked participants to fill out a questionnaire detailing what they were hoping to find in a potential mate at the event.

Most of the respondents said they would like to meet someone like themselves, but once the speed-dating was over, it was revealed that men went for the more attractive girls, while women were more likely to tick the box of richer, wealthier men.

The researchers said that the preferences were throw-backs to prehistoric behaviour.

Peter Todd, lead author, said: "While humans may pride themselves on being highly evolved, most still behave like the stereotypical Neanderthals when it comes to choosing a mate.

"Evolutionary theories in psychology suggest that men and women should trade off different traits in each other, and when we look at the actual mate choices people make, this is what we find evidence for."

According to the research, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, women are a lot pickier when trying to find The One.

Men who attended the speed-dating event ticked the boxes – indicating that they wanted to see them again - for 50 per cent of the women on average.

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