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... Text and romance Text and romance

19 October 2007

Texting has become one of the most popular methods of flirting and research by uSwitch.com shows how texts are affecting our love lives and our pockets.

Brits send 235 million flirty texts every month, costing £231 million. Some £9 million is spent just on arranging first dates.

And for many text makes it too easy to get in touch with our lovers, as one million people say they have sent a flirty text they later regret.

With one in five saying they would accept a date invitation in a text, but only through a phonecall, 12 million Britons think text simply adds a while new dilemma to the dating game.

But it does have its uses, as three million people admit to sending saucy photos to their partner using their phone.

Text is not only used to start relationships, but also to end them. Almost six million Brits say they have been unceremoniously dumped in a message.

One of the ultimate turn offs cited by receivers of flirty texts was a smiley face.ADNFCR-1016-ID-18324425-ADNFCR