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... The One already in your phonebook? The One already in your phonebook?

17 November 2008

Looking for love? Then you might want to look no further than your mobile phone, according to new research.

A study showed that one in three singletons already have their future Mr or Miss Right's number in their phone contacts list.

The study by Orange found that 29 per cent of married couples already had their future husband or wife's number in their phonebook before they started dating.

It seems that your future partner might be right under your nose, as colleagues, old friends and school mates often end up being The One.

A spokesman from Orange said: "We often think about our phonebooks as a lifeline - a way of staying in touch with the people most important to us.

"This research shows your phone can also be a loveline - so next time you're feeling lonely, scroll through your contacts and take heart, Mr or Mrs Right could well be waiting for your call."