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... Ugly men 'better for beautiful women' Ugly men 'better for beautiful women'

25 March 2008

We've all done double takes when we have spotted a drop-dead-gorgeous guy with an aesthetically-challenged woman on his arm. But no-one takes any notice when it's a gorgeous woman with an ugly man.

Mia Farrow and Woody Allen, Colleen McCloughlin and Wayne Rooney and most recently the gorgeous Sienna Miller and the very plain Rhys Ifans are all examples of beautiful women who have found love with men who are not as stunning.

Forty-year-old Ifans, who has starred in films including Notting Hill, is set to marry the beautiful 26-year-old Sienna this year. Sienna is normally used to dating better-looking men including Puff Daddy and of course Jude Law. But it seems that marrying Ifans might be better for her long-term happiness.

New research has revealed that this is one of the keys to a happy marriage – marrying a man who is uglier than you.

A team of psychologists at the University of Tennessee revealed that men who marry women that are uglier than themselves have more trouble dealing with married life than those who wed a beautiful spouse.

Jim McNulty, lead author of the study, said: "Men who were more attractive than their partner had a tendency to offer less emotional and practical support to their wives.

"But men who were less attractive than their wives demonstrated a tendency to be more likely to offer support."

The study authors said that this is all down to evolutionary science, where attractive males are more detrimental to marriage than beneficial.

Mr McNulty said: "Attractive men have available to them more short-term mating opportunities. This may make them less satisfied and less committed to the marital relationship."

The study was carried out by researching the marriages of 82 newlywed couples with varying levels of attractiveness.

The couples were asked to talk about their problems and the research discovered that men who were not