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... Video game proposal Video game proposal

19 September 2007

A woman got the surprise of her life while playing a computer game with boyfriend David Rosowski.

Jenn Palmer met her partner on an internet dating website and they hit it off straight away.

They met for the first time in a gift shop where Jenn worked.

David realised he recognised her picture from the dating website and they arranged a date.

Jenn told First Coast News: "It was pretty much love at first sight, second sight I guess, technically."

And in keeping with their cyber romance, David decided to pop the question via the medium of technology.

During a game of Viva Pinata, which allows p[layers to create their own worlds, David's character delivered a diamond with a note asking Jenn to marry him to her character.

Jenn said: "I read the message and I was like, 'oh you're kidding'."

But then David got down on one knee and presented her with a real diamond.

It is, not surprisingly, thought to be the first proposal on a videogame console.ADNFCR-1043-ID-18286549-ADNFCR