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... Voters 'like to see romance in politics' Voters 'like to see romance in politics'

29 August 2008

Romance is playing a key role in the unravelling of the US presidential elections, with Barack Obama leading the way.

Obama has been working hard to convince the American public that he will not only make a great president but will also be a fantastic husband too.

His wife, Michelle, gave a rousing address on Monday night at the Democratic National Convention.

Commenting on her speech Obama said: "How about Michelle Obama?" the Boston Globe reports.

"Now you know why I asked her out so many times, even though she said no."

According to Barbara Kellerman, a lecturer at the John F Kennedy School of Government, romance is essential in any presidential election.

"It's the 'Peopleisation' of American politics," she told the newspaper. "Apparently we like to see romance not only on screen and stage but in real-life politics, too."

The recent revelations of candidate John Edwards' affair may have added to the current 'spousal' element in US politics.

Last week Obama's rival candidate John McCain was embarrassed to admit that he did not know how many houses he and his wife Cindy, a wealthy heiress, owned.