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... Wartime couple celebrate 60 years together Wartime couple celebrate 60 years together

6 October 2008

All's fair in love and war. And one happy couple have found out that even World War II could not ruin their romance.

Royand Florrie Tanner from Carshalton in London first met when they were teenagers and immediately fell in love – having a whirlwind romance.

But their love was temporarily put on hold when Roy was called up to serve in the army at the outbreak of World War II.

Through those dangerous times, the pair kept in touch and waited until the war was over.

They were eventually married on September 25th 1948 and are now celebrating their diamond wedding anniversary, the Sutton Guardian reports.

Mr and Mrs Tanner – who are 82 and 81 respectively - have three sons and one daughter, as well as grandchildren and great-grandchildren who all celebrated with them when they received a congratulations letter from the queen.

Their daughter Chris Overy told the newspaper: "They both agree that their life together has had its ups and downs.

"But they have always stood by each other when the chips were down and feel that the love and support that they have given, and received, from their family continues to be their greatest joy."

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