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... What men want What men want

14 March 2008

The perfect woman is a blonde, blue-eyed lass who earns less than £25,000 a year, men have revealed in a new survey.

A study of around 66,000 men found that Miss Perfect would also weight a svelte nine-and-a-half stone.

Bizarrely, the third most important feature of a woman was that she "occasionally wears glasses".

It seems that the guys don't want to be intimidated in any way, with 54 per cent of them saying they would not date a girl who had an annual salary of more than £25,000, while just one in five said they would date a girl who was over six feet tall.

Naturally, "being good in bed" was among the top priorities for the men, but they also like a "wacky personality" and someone who is "optimistic", the poll by ukdating.com revealed.

A spokesman for the site said: "While the old adage 'Gentlemen prefer Blondes' still holds true today, it's interesting to note that in this world of size zeros and calorie counting, men are more interested in height than weight, and prefer a medium build girl to a skinny girl.

"This research just goes to show that men are as selective with their choice of date as women are, and know exactly what they want."
