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... Women attracted to men with deep voices Women attracted to men with deep voices

12 December 2008

Women are attracted to deep voices because it signifies a strong and fertile man, according to new research.

A study by bods at Harvard University and McMaster University revealed that celebrities with deep voices such as Harrison Ford and George Clooney are the most attractive to women.

This heightened attraction was particularly true for women when they were at their most fertile periods of the month, according to the survey.

Deep voices signify better hunters and providers and were therefore deemed potentially able to give the woman and her offspring a better life.

The study, published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society, found that conversely men are more attracted to women with higher-pitched voices.

Dr Coren Apicella, an anthropologist at Harvard University, said: "Women who are ovulating or looking for a mate were more likely to be interested in a man with a deep voice because that suggests dominance and better genes.

"Men on the other hand preferred higher-pitched women because it suggested they were younger and more fertile."
