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... Women dating men may want to check their hands, re Women dating men may want to check their hands, re

13 January 2009

Women hoping to make a success of the dating game might be wise to look at a man's hands before deciding on whether to pursue a romantic relationship with him.

That is according to new research from psychologists in Belgium, who have concluded that men who have a greater the difference in the length of their index and ring fingers are more aggressive and dominant.

The research revealed that those with a greater difference in finger length may also be tighter with their money.

Kobe Muillet, of Katholieke university in Leuven, Belgium warned, however, that women may not want to date those with less difference between index and ring finger.

He explained: "Those people with smaller differences in finger length may not be so physically strong."

The experiment saw 121 volunteers being shown an aggressive video by German heavy metal group Rammstein after which they were invited to take part in a 'social money game'.

They were subsequently given ten euro €10 (£9) and were asked how much they would like to give to another person.

Those with a bigger difference between their index and ring finger were less generous, which is a more macho, dominant response.

Oxytocin is known as the hormone of love and according to research by Sydney University can help people to remember positive things.ADNFCR-1043-ID-18971579-ADNFCR