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... Women 'fantasise about having affairs' Women 'fantasise about having affairs'

31 March 2008

One in three women fantasise about being with someone other than their partner, according to a new survey.

Researchers at Divat TV found that 35 per cent of female respondents had thought about being with someone else, with 27 per cent fantasising about having a full-on affair.

Around 16 per cent of curious respondents have fantasised about begin with another woman, the survey also revealed.

Nearly 20 per cent of women also had dreams of telling their mother-in-law just what they think of her.

Maya Bhose, of Diva TV, said the fantasy survey was conducted to gain insight into the mind of the British women.

She said: "These results show what fertile imaginations British women have."

Ms Bhose added: "Great television allows us to fulfil our fantasies through other people in a safe way. Whether the characters are fictional or the programme features real life stories, we enjoy sharing their journeys without any of the consequences ourselves."