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... Women rejecting the new man Women rejecting the new man

2 October 2007

Having taken centuries to achieve a greater gender balance and narrow the gaps between the sexes, women are no longer opting for men who are sensitive and take care of their appearance.

Instead, they are going back to more manly men who fulfil male stereotypes more accurately, reports Wales on Sunday

These women say that rather than requiring a man who can provide support and advice in times of trouble, they are more likely to turn to their female friends when they are feeling down.

But it hasn't stopped men adopting more metro-sexual habits, as they have been dubbed.

A survey by Braun Pulsonic has revealed that one in five men spend at least 20 minutes in the bathroom getting ready to go out and one in 20 spend over 45 minutes preening.

Dr Christine Webber, psychotherapist and agony aunt, said: "These results are not a surprise to me.

"For a while now, I have noticed the pendulum swinging away from the idea that the perfect partner is ultra-fashionable and ever-so sensitive.

"Instead, women are seeking out guys who are rather more rugged and manly."

She went on to point out that Tony Blair, classified as Metro-sexual, has been replaced by a prime minister who exhibits more traits of an Alpha male.ADNFCR-1016-ID-18301839-ADNFCR