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... You're 'more attractive than you think' You're 'more attractive than you think'

24 July 2008

When you look in the mirror, do you see an unattractive person staring back at you? Well, good news. A beauty expert has said that people are around 20 per cent better-looking than they think they are.

The finding comes from beauty and mind medics Dr Debra Luftman and Dr Eva Ritvo who have written a new book: The Beauty Prescription - The Complete Formula For Looking and Feeling Beautiful.

The medical practitioners wrote the book after treating hundreds of men and women over the past 25 years who have had self-esteem issues because they think they are ugly or have to deal with some dermatological condition, the Daily Mail reports.

While on holiday in Jamaica five years ago they came up with their 'beauty prescription' to help people feel better about themselves and in turn become more attractive to others.

Dr Ritvo told the Mail: "We realised then that between us we had the knowhow to come up with the perfect beauty prescription to help women feel and look more beautiful, from the inside and out."

They found that feeling more beautiful helps you to be more likely to bag whatever it is you want - whether it's a promotion, a new job or the man or woman of your dreams.

Dr Luftman said: "True beauty isn't about being physically perfect: it's about maximising your beauty potential. When you do this, people will subconsciously want to treat you better."

Most people underestimate just how good-looking they are and judge themselves to be a lot uglier than others might see them. According to research, others see you as around 20 per cent better-looking than you think you are.

But the Beauty Prescription writers say that while physical looks can get you so far, beauty itself is in the eye of the beholder and often down to much more than how aesthetically beautiful you are.

Dr Luftman said there is much more to being beautiful than just looking good. She said: "A great