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Search Results For "Keira"
Gays covet Daniel and Keira
Bond star Daniel Craig has topped a list of the British celebrities gay men would most like to date.
search on: Gays-covet-Daniel-Keira
British women 'are body-confident'
Contrary to popular belief, British women are happy with their weight, according to shock new survey results.
search on: British-women-'are-body-confident'
Fake chest sizes 'scare men off'
The majority of men are turned off by an enormous chest size in a woman, according to a new survey.
search on: Fake-chest-sizes-care-men-off'
Keira Knightley's luvvie pad
Keira Knightley is moving into an East End love pad, which according to the Daily Mirror, she bought back in the spring with her actor boyfriend Rupert Friend.
search on: Keira-Knightleys-luvvie-pad
Love actually does exist
They say that love is rarely as it appears in the movies, but that wasn't the case for one man who decided to create a tailored version of his girlfriend's favourite film.
search on: Love-actually-does-exist
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