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Search Results For "gender"
Dating Scams: An introduction
Being a UK based dating site that has been around for a number of years we have seen how scammers work. At Loveandfriends we spend loads of time and effort blocking scammers from our dating sites so t...
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Interaction with men makes women glow

Any interaction with a member of the opposite sex can bring a glow to a woman''s face, according to a new study.

Researchers at the University of St Andrews found contact with men - even

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Women rejecting the new man
Having taken centuries to achieve a greater gender balance and narrow the gaps between the sexes, women are no longer opting for men who are sensitive and take care of their appearance.
search on: Women-rejecting-new
Men do the talking
While women are often stereotyped as having the ability to chat endlessly, new research indicates that it is in fact men who are the biggest chatterboxes.
search on: Men-do-talking
Science challenges gender wisdom
Scientists are shattering popular preconceptions of the differences between the sexes with new research.
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The body beautiful
A new survey has revealed that gyms are increasingly being viewed as places to scout for potential partners.
search on: The-body-beautiful
UK govt: Send roses to loved ones from Kenya
The UK government is reminding shoppers for this year's Valentine's Day to buy roses from a more environmentally-friendly source such as Kenya, to both cut down on emissions and to help the ...
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Younger men fear 'measuring up' to older women
Younger men are intimidated by older women's sexual prowess, while the older men think it's great.
search on: Younger-men-fear-'measuring-up'-older-women
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