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Search Results For "introduction"
The importance of being a social butterfly in your hunt for love

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Action prompts for successful dating

Mary Balfour gives some hot tips for successful dating gained from over ten years experience of running two of the country''s
best known personal introduction agencies . Click on any section h

search on: Action-prompts-successful-dating
Dating Scams: An introduction
Being a UK based dating site that has been around for a number of years we have seen how scammers work. At Loveandfriends we spend loads of time and effort blocking scammers from our dating sites so t...
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Man who sold everything on eBay buys a Carribean island and finds new love
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UK Dating Awards - 2 wins for Mary and DDM

It is both with great pleasure and great pride that we announce that L&F owner Mary Balfour won not one but two awards at the UK Dating Awards 2015 yesterday evening.

The UK Dating Awar

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Find Everlasting Love - Now!

You are an independent person but, like all human beings, you have a need for intimacy, and an intimate relationship is maybe the best way for you to feel really fulfilled. However, it is all very

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Watching sunsets 'most romantic' pastime
Watching a sunset snuggled up to your loved one is the most romantic pastime, according to a survey of British couples.
search on: Watching-sunsets-'most-romantic'-pastime
Couple find love and £1.9 million on the internet
Love and marriage has been followed by riches for one lucky British couple after they won £1.9 million on the lottery.
search on: Couple-find-love-£1.9-million-internet
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