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Search Results For "Chris"
Give yourself a Dating Detox
As Christmas arrives, for the 13 million single people in the UK, it can be a difficult time as it seems all the couples come out to play.
search on: Give-yourself-Dating-Detox
Choosing the right gift
As Christmas time creeps up on us, it can be a romantic season for many couples.
search on: Choosing-right-gift
Love at the office party
With the season of office parties upon us, many colleagues are taking the opportunity to spark up a romance with those they have been eyeing over the top of their monitors for the last 12 months.
search on: Love-office-party
Prenups take on 21st century requirements
As more and more couples take out prenuptial agreements, in part prompted by high-profile divorces in which couples battle over how much each partner deserves, a new element of such documents has come...
search on: Prenups-take-21st-century-requirements
Gareth Gates getting hitched
Pop Idol star Gareth Gates is to wed his long-time girlfriend.
search on: Gareth-Gates-getting-hitched
Being the other woman
A new BBC drama is set to explore life as the lover of a married man.
search on: Being-other
Poll shows split in voters' sex habits
A new survey has revealed the differences between the bedtime habits of liberal and conservative voters.
search on: Poll-shows-split-voters'-sex-habits
"Me-time" scarce among workaholic Brits
British modern life is getting so hectic and jam-packed that people find it extremely difficult to find love.
search on: "Me-time"-scarce-among-workaholic-Brits
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