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Search Results For "TV"
Internet taking up couples' together time
Is your love life lacking? If so then there is a chance all your problems could be solved simply by switching off the computer.
search on: Internet-taking-up-couples'-together-time
Tattooed man dumped
A man with a giant tattoo of his wife's face on his back has been abandoned for a younger man.
search on: Tattooed-dumped
Arranged marriages to air on British TV
The Asian tradition of arranged marriages will be gracing our screens, as Arrange Me a Marriage comes to BBC2 next month.
search on: Arranged-marriages-air-British-TV
Ulrika Johnson pregnant by fourth father
TV presenter Ulrika Johnson has announced that she is pregnant with her fourth child. And this will be the fourth man the serial-dater has had a child with.
search on: Ulrika-Johnson-pregnant-by-fourth-father
Dater Tennant disappoints female fans
Doctor Who star David Tennant is happily dating again after splitting from Thunderbirds actress Sophia Myles.
search on: Dater-Tennant-disappoints-female-fans
Kylie and Jason to reunite
The hottest couple of the 90s are getting back together to take a look at their history as a couple during their years on Neighbours.
search on: Kylie-Jason-reunite
Spending your most intimate moments together
Many couples can't get enough of each other. They can't bear to spend any time apart.
search on: Spending-intimate-moments-together
Dating tips from MySpace
MySpace has become the home of dating tips for people looking for love.
search on: Dating-tips-MySpace
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