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Search Results For "brother"
Footballer 'falls for Lily Allen's curves'
A premiership footballer has revealed he would love to date Lily Allen because he wants a fuller figured woman, according to media reports.
search on: Footballer-falls-Lily-Allens-curves
Rihanna denies romance reports
Barbadian pop princess Rihanna has attempted to put rumours to rest about her relationship with fello R'n'B superstar Chris Brown.
search on: Rihanna-denies-romance-reports
Johnny Depp and Vanessa 'getting hitched'
Brace yourself, ladies. Hollywood heartthrob Johnny Depp is to tie the knot.
search on: Johnny-Depp-Vanessa-'getting-hitched'
Older brothers affect chances of parenthood
Having an older brother can cut the chances of you having children, according to new scientific research.
search on: Older-brothers-affect-chances-parenthood
X Factor stars deny romance
Diana Vickers is not having a relationship with her X factor contestant Eoghan Quigg, the blonde singer has said.
search on: X-Factor-stars-deny-romance
Kings of Leon early love life revealed
Rock group Kings of Leon seem to have finally grown up after admitting that their early touring life led them to have "guiltless sex" with groupies.
search on: Kings-Leon-early-love-life
Celibacy vows not effective, new research reveals
It seems that taking a vow of celibacy just doesn't work if an American study of almost 1,000 teenagers is anything to go by.
search on: Celibacy-vows-effective--new-research-reveals
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