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Search Results For "vows"
Message in a bottle to couple with same anniversar
After marrying on a beach on August 18th, Melody Kloska and Matt Behrs put their wedding vows in a bottle and sent it out into Lake Michigan.
search on: Message-a-bottle-couple-with-same-anniversar
Bride and groom in different continents marry
A solider based in Basra has married his girlfriend in a ceremony which took place with the couple thousands of miles apart.
search on: Bride-groom-different-continents-marry
Cole's case highlights infidelity boom
Girls Aloud singer Cheryl Cole is just the latest victim of a depressingly common scenario.
search on: Coles-case-highlights-infidelity-boom
Jordan 'still fancies' hubby
She may be no stranger to plastic surgery, but Katie Price aka Jordan is not shallow.
search on: Jordan-till-fancies'-hubby
Celibacy vows not effective, new research reveals
It seems that taking a vow of celibacy just doesn't work if an American study of almost 1,000 teenagers is anything to go by.
search on: Celibacy-vows-effective--new-research-reveals
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