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Search Results For "emotional"
Marriage breakdown 'hinders schoolchildren'
The break-up of marital relationships is causing problems for children in schools, teachers have said.
search on: Marriage-breakdown-'hinders-schoolchildren'
Ugly men 'better for beautiful women'
We've all done double takes when we have spotted a drop-dead-gorgeous guy with an aesthetically-challenged woman on his arm. But no-one takes any notice when it's a gorgeous woman with an ug...
search on: Ugly-men-'better-beautiful-women'
Daniel Craig reveals first kiss angst
Gorgeous James Bond actor Daniel Craig has been revealing all about his very first kiss.
search on: Daniel-Craig-reveals-kiss-angst
Heigl made her move on hubby
Some women may think it's up to the guy to make the first move, but not so for Hollywood actress Katherine Heigl.
search on: Heigl-made-move-hubby
Women dwell on distress, while men turn to drink
When women are upset, they dwell on their negative emotions while men find some way of distracting from it, according to new research.
search on: Women-dwell-distress--while-men-turn-drink
Women 'diet for a decade'
Women spend a decade of their lives on a diet, according to the results of a new survey.
search on: Women-diet-decade
Brits 'fall in love' with TV characters
One in three British people has admitted to falling in love with a TV character, according to a new poll.
search on: Brits-fall-love-TV-characters
The rise of the happy singleton
More and more women are taking control of their lives and doing what they want with it – whether that's getting into a relationship or staying single, according to a new report.
search on: rise-happy-singleton
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