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Action prompts for successful dating

Mary Balfour gives some hot tips for successful dating gained from over ten years experience of running two of the country''s
best known personal introduction agencies . Click on any section h

search on: Action-prompts-successful-dating
Dating Scams: An introduction
Being a UK based dating site that has been around for a number of years we have seen how scammers work. At Loveandfriends we spend loads of time and effort blocking scammers from our dating sites so t...
search on: Dating-Scams:-An-introduction
Divorced men are suddenly such a catch!
48,000 single British women are actively seeking men with a failed marriage behind them.
search on: Divorced-men-are-suddenly-such-a-catch!
Bridget Jones gets no love from Beatle
Sir Paul McCartney has denied speculation that he has been dating Bridget Jones's Diary star Renee Zellweger.
search on: Bridget-Jones-gets-love-from-Beatle
Brits getting more spontaneous
Britons are at their most spontaneous, according to a new survey.
search on: Brits-getting-spontaneous
Brokeback couple split
Hollywood couple Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams have broken up after a three-year relationship, according to US magazine.
search on: Brokeback-couple-split
Seven year itch cut in half
Marriages are not lasting as long as they once did and the infamous seven-year itch is now closer to just three years.
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Bill Roache's girlfriend, 43, says 'He's got this twinkle' as she struggles to keep up with the 79 year-old
Last month Bill admitted he'd slept with around 1,000 women at the height of his fame on Coronation Street. Now his current girlfriend has gone some way to explaining why Bill has been so successful w...
search on: Bill-Roaches-girlfriend--43--says-Hes-
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