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Search Results For "research"
62% say is easier to meet someone on a dating site than in a pub

For a long time online dating has been seen as a less romantic way of meeting Mr. Right. Research now shows that finding love over the internet is an increasingly easy way of meeting a marriage par

search on: 62%-say-easier-meet-someone-a-dating-site-
Aggressive males behind the steering wheel
Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus – that must explain why they are so different behind the wheel.
search on: Aggressive-males-behind-steering-wheel
Online dating 'great for finding Mr or Miss Right'
When it comes to finding The One, online dating sites are one of the best methods, according to a magazine.
search on: Online-dating-great-finding-Mr-Miss-Right
The key to finding Mr Right
Women can teach themselves about what men want when it comes to dating, according to a relationship expert.
search on: key-finding-Mr-Right
Wannabe chefs in kitchen mishaps
Sometimes the way to a man or woman's heart is through his or her stomach, but research shows that Britain is turning into a nation of kitchen klutzes.
search on: Wannabe-chefs-kitchen-mishaps
Separate bank accounts - the key to relationship l
Financial issues are one of the biggest causes of arguments amongst couples, it has been revealed.
search on: Separate-bank-accounts---key-relationship-l
Brits 'don't have time for relationships'
Britons are under so much pressure at work that they do not have enough time to indulge in the finer pleasures in life, it has been revealed.
search on: Brits-dont-relationships
Women look for The One at 25
Reports of the death of marriage have been greatly exaggerated, according to new research.
search on: Women-look-One-at-25
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