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Search Results For "help"
Making cohabiting work
Couples often decide to move in together assuming it will be a fairytale romance, but living on top of each other can bring about some stark realities, so there are important considerations to bear in...
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Who should pay on a first date?
More than half of people think that men should pay on a first date and less than one per cent believe that women should pay the entire bill on a first date.
search on: Who-should-pay-date?
Risk assessment helps couples last
Ever felt that you and your partner go over the same old ground every time you fight? Well a new scheme may help couples stuck in a rut to get to the bottom of their issues and set their relationship ...
search on: Risk-assessment-couples
Making love last
All couples have difficult times and challenges to overcome, and some may not last the test of time. But relationship expert Dr Gail Saltz told Today some tips for holding a relationship together and ...
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Give yourself a Dating Detox
As Christmas arrives, for the 13 million single people in the UK, it can be a difficult time as it seems all the couples come out to play.
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Leap year proposals
It is just a little over two months until the day on which it becomes women's turn to propose is upon us.
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Choosing the right gift
As Christmas time creeps up on us, it can be a romantic season for many couples.
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Romance is 'a must'
Romance in a relationship isn't just nice, it's a must, according to Magic of Romance.com.
search on: Romance-'a-must'
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