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Search Results For "worth"
Northern Irish accents 'sexiest' in the UK
Northern Irish accents are the most attractive in the UK, according to a new poll.
search on: Northern-Irish-accents-exiest'-UK
Women sacrificing food to look good
The average British woman will spend the equivalent of 840 days of her life in front of the mirror, according to a new survey.
search on: Women-sacrificing-food-look
Madonna house hunting with A-Rod?
Madonna is reportedly on the lookout for a new house with American baseball player Alex Rodriguez.
search on: Madonna-house-hunting-A-Rod?
Keira Knightley's luvvie pad
Keira Knightley is moving into an East End love pad, which according to the Daily Mirror, she bought back in the spring with her actor boyfriend Rupert Friend.
search on: Keira-Knightleys-luvvie-pad
Does this TV star have a way with the ladies?
The numerous surveys that have taken place over the years about what women find attractive in a man always seem to indicate that the key thing is a good sense of humour.
search on: Does-this-TV-star-have-a-way-with-
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