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Search Results For "Financial"
Uncover the Secrets of Lasting Couples
Relationships are never easy. And the longer you stay in a relationship, the easier it is to drift into routine, killing the original romance.
search on: Uncover-Secrets-Lasting-Couples
Dating Scams: An introduction
Being a UK based dating site that has been around for a number of years we have seen how scammers work. At Loveandfriends we spend loads of time and effort blocking scammers from our dating sites so t...
search on: Dating-Scams:-An-introduction
Separate bank accounts - the key to relationship l
Financial issues are one of the biggest causes of arguments amongst couples, it has been revealed.
search on: Separate-bank-accounts---key-relationship-l
Brits 'don't have time for relationships'
Britons are under so much pressure at work that they do not have enough time to indulge in the finer pleasures in life, it has been revealed.
search on: Brits-dont-relationships
Anne Robinson to divorce
Anne Robinson, the presenter of hit quiz how the Weakest Link is saying "goodbye" to her husband.
search on: Anne-Robinson-divorce
The Miranda complex: women and their money
The theory that single woman are scaring off men with their success is gaining weight, resulting in a generation of women who feel they must be secretive about their salary.
search on: Miranda-complex:-women-their-money
Men more willing to put their hands in their pocke
Women are less willing to support a partner financially who is out of work.
search on: Men-willing-put-their-hands-their-pocke
Couples taking baby-making holidays
The latest hot travel trend sweeping the nation is procreation holidays.
search on: Couples-taking-baby-making-holidays
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