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Search Results For "Names"
Dating Scams: An introduction
Being a UK based dating site that has been around for a number of years we have seen how scammers work. At Loveandfriends we spend loads of time and effort blocking scammers from our dating sites so t...
search on: Dating-Scams:-An-introduction
Couple divorce after cheating?with each other
A cheating couple got a nasty surprise when they realised that they had been playing away with each other.
search on: Couple-divorce-after-cheating?with-other
Star-crossword lovers
Aric Egmont wanted to propose to his girlfriend Jenny Bass in an original way that they could remember always and he opted to do it if the form of a crossword.
search on: Star-crossword-lovers
Tattooed man dumped
A man with a giant tattoo of his wife's face on his back has been abandoned for a younger man.
search on: Tattooed-dumped
What your name says about your dating style
Your name can have an impact on how you are perceived by your date, a new survey ahs revealed.
search on: What-your-name-says-your-dating-style
Loved-up royal couple 'closer than ever'
Cute royal couple Prince Harry and Chelsy Davy call each other 'hubby' and 'wifey', according to media reports.
search on: Loved-up-royal-couple-closer-ever
Names 'important' in online dating
New research reveals that men and women looking for love on the internet are more likely to find a potential partner by using an appealing alias.
search on: Names-'important'-online-dating
Couples agonise over baby names
Giving a child the right name can help them get ahead in life, according to British parents.
search on: Couples-agonise-over-baby-names
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