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Search Results For "fling"
Women want weedy guys for long-term love
Women want men who are less manly and more weedy when it comes to finding a partner for marriage, a new survey by the University of Durham has revealed.
search on: Women-want-weedy-guys-long-term-love
Mario Balotelli slept with Wayne Rooney prostitute 48 hours before declaring his love for his girlfriend
Manchester City ace footballer Mario Balotelli, 21, had a fling with Jennifer Thompson (aka Juicy Jeni') who was famously linked previously to Wayne Rooney. This happened in February 2012, two days be...
search on: Mario-Balotelli-slept-with-Wayne-Rooney-prostitute-48-
Friends with benefits - not so straightforward
Many people have got into a casual relationship with a friend, which offers the no-strings-attached physical aspects of a relationship without the commitment and emotional vulnerability of a real relationship.
search on: Friends-benefits---straightforward
Nice guys finish last
It's official: women the world over are drawn to bad boys, according to scientific research.
search on: guys-finish
UK workplaces 'full of romance'
Love is more rife in British workplaces than it is in many offices across Europe, according to a new survey.
search on: UK-workplaces-full-romance
British women 'love stubbly men'
British women prefer men with stubble because they are deemed to be more macho, according to a new survey.
search on: British-women-'love-stubbly-men'
Brits having workplace affairs
Britons are spending increasingly long hours at work and socialising even more with their colleagues and this has led to a significant number of workplace crushes, according to a new survey.
search on: Brits-having-workplace-affairs
Flings more likely on hen nights than stag nights
Women are more likely to cheat on their other half on their hen nights than men are on their stag nights, according to a new survey.
search on: Flings-likely-hen-nights-stag-nights
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