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Search Results For "phone"
Keeping It Real

I haven''''t had the best luck with phones; my most recent telephonic debacle led me to the ground floor of Selfridges

search on: Keeping-Real
Action prompts for successful dating

Mary Balfour gives some hot tips for successful dating gained from over ten years experience of running two of the country''s
best known personal introduction agencies . Click on any section h

search on: Action-prompts-successful-dating
Making long-distance love work
While building a relationship can be difficult, as both partners make time for each other in their lives, doing it with miles between you can make it even more of a challenge. Here are some tips for k...
search on: Making-long-distance-love-work
Prince Harry late for important date
Prince Harry recently fell out of his girlfriend's good books after failing to meet her at the airport.
search on: Prince-Harry-late
A helping hand for cheaters
Cheating on a partner can be a shady business, and a company in France has decided to exploit this gap in the market by helping cheaters cover their tracks.
search on: A-helping-hand-cheaters
Get the girl
Susan Thomas, a dating expert, has given men some pointers to help them bag the girl of their dreams.
search on: Get-girl
Ready for your close up?

Do you want to stop people in their tracks as they scroll through pages and pages of dating profiles?  Of course, you do.

I run the UK’s only

search on: Ready-close-up?
Marines' love battle: After death of one, BOTH surviving comrades gave solace to his devastated widow
Kirianne Curley, widow of Corporal Stephen Curley, a royal marine had simultaneous affairs with his two best friends after he was killed by a bomb in Afghanistan, a court heard yesterday.
search on: Marines-love-battle:-death-one--BOTH-surviving-
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