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... Making long-distance love work Making long-distance love work

6 September 2007

While building a relationship can be difficult, as both partners make time for each other in their lives, doing it with miles between you can make it even more of a challenge. Here are some tips for keeping long-distance love alive.

Kate Brauer-Bell, who had a long-distance relationship with her husband, told CNN: "The first and most important strategy is good communication.

Technology is bringing more possibilities to how couples can keep in touch, with many using webcams and instant messaging to stay connected.

Ms Bell continued: "In a long-distance relationship, you can't rely so much on physical contact, so email and phone communication is the primary backbone of the relationship itself."

Keeping the magic alive might be easy when you get to see each other, but while you are apart, sending flowers or love letters can remind you that its all worthwhile.

Trust is another important aspect of along-distance love affair.

And make sure you have dates set in advance for when you are going to see each other. This will make the time apart more manageable.

Couples in long-distance relationship can have an extended honeymoon period, but it is important to keep in mind that things might not run as smoothly as you expect if you suddenly live in the same place and there will inevitably be rocky patches to overcome.ADNFCR-1043-ID-18271205-ADNFCR

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