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... Making a success of long-distance Making a success of long-distance

24 December 2007

Many couples begin relationships with someone living far from them. Others are separated once their relationship has begun. And it can be difficult to make it work.

But relationship psychologist Dr Laura Berman told Today some tips for making long-distance love work.

The first tip is to agree on a time to chat on the phone each day or week - whatever works for you. This will mean that you are both prepared to speak to each other and make time. Hopefully, this will stop you worrying about whether each other are if you do not answer the phone for some reason.

Another problem faced by many couples in a long-distance romance is that of loneliness. It can be difficult, when all your friends are having a night curled up with their partner.

The key to managing this is to build the intimacy you have when you are apart. And for many phone calls may not be enough. If this is you, consider investing in Skype or a webcam so you can chat and see each other.

It is also important to keep romance alive and love letters and surprise gifts should be seen as one of the perks of having a partner who is miles away from you.

The next is the issue of visiting. You should make sure that you visit each other in equal proportion. There must be give-and-take, particularly in a long-distance relationship.ADNFCR-1016-ID-18406080-ADNFCR

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Making long-distance love work