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Search Results For "road"
Could your soul mate be waiting for you on a creative writing course...?
I want to tell you about my friends Anne and David. They met many years ago on a creative writing course in a small fishing village in Cornwall...
search on: soul-mate-be-waiting-a-creative-writing-course...?
Sir Paul 'head over the heels in love with Lulu'
Former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney and fellow popstar Lulu are apparently "head over heels in love".
search on: Sir-Paul-'head-over-heels-love-with-Lulu'
Britain's greenest wedding
The nuptials of two climate change campaigners this weekend is thought to be Britain's most environmentally friendly wedding ever.
search on: Britain-greenest-wedding
Marines' love battle: After death of one, BOTH surviving comrades gave solace to his devastated widow
Kirianne Curley, widow of Corporal Stephen Curley, a royal marine had simultaneous affairs with his two best friends after he was killed by a bomb in Afghanistan, a court heard yesterday.
search on: Marines-love-battle:-death-one--BOTH-surviving-
Prince William's girlfriend makes it in common par
Kate Middleton, Prince William's on-off girlfriend, may become a fixed part of the English vernacular with her name making it into the new edition of the Collins dictionary.
search on: Prince-Williams-girlfriend-common-par
Marc and Cerys 'rekindle their jungle romance'
I'm a Celebrity stars Marc Bannerman and Cerys Matthews have apparently rekindled their jungle romance.
search on: Marc-Cerys-rekindle-their-jungle-romance
Clooney bets he will never marry
According to Hollywood actress Michelle Pfeiffer, George Clooney is so confident he will never marry he is prepared to place on money on it.
search on: Clooney-bets-he-will-never-marry
What we really want in a partner
While men and women often assume that people will not find them attractive unless they live up to the stereotype of an ideal man or woman, a new survey has shown that this may not be the case.
search on: What-we-really-want-a-partner
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