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... Men and women 'love to gossip' Men and women 'love to gossip'

13 June 2008

It's not just women that love a good gossip, but men also indulge in a bit of chin-wagging too, according to a new survey.

A poll commissioned by New Daz Liquitabs revealed that women are obsessed with gossip and finding about what celebrities get up to in their private lives.

Some 70 per cent of women want to be the first to know all the hot gossip, while 57 per cent of men also said they love a bit of gossip about their friends, relatives and colleagues.
A number of factors drive people to want to be the first to know gossip, including the social kudos associated with it and the feeling of power that they get fro it.

But 70 per cent of people said that gossiping with a colleague helped to firm up a relationship with that person.

Lucie Cave – one person who knows all the hottest gossip as features editor of Heat magazine, said: "Knowing the hottest gossip is social currency nowadays - it's what helps us to connect and bond with others.

"While we all enjoy a good gossip about people we know, it's no wonder that the world of celebrity fascinates British women most. Often our hidden dirt just can't compare to hot celebrity couples like Posh and Becks who are still the most talked about of all."

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Men love to gossip