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Technology 'drives couples apart'
10 March 2008
Modern technology could be driving some couples apart, according to new research.
Britons are becoming increasingly addicted to their Blackberrys, iPods, mobile phones and laptops, with a significant number taking their work into the bedroom rather than spending quality time with their partner.
The research conducted by the Sleep Council revealed that not only is this gadget addiction robbing Brits of their sleep, it is also causing a rift in their relationships with their other halves.
A shocking one in four people now often sleeps in a separate bed from their partner, with many having different bedtimes from their partners.
Jessica Alexander of the Sleep Council said: "Busy night time routines are driving couples' bedtime and even their bedrooms apart.
"Nine per cent of those questioned admitted to always sleeping separately from their partner."
Denise Knowles of relationship counselling charity Relate said that this does not necessarily imply problems in a relationship.
She told the BBC: "It does depend whether, even though they're sleeping in different beds, they're still having sex - in some ways, it could be like dating again: 'Your place or mine?'"
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