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Search Results For "calls"
A helping hand for cheaters
Cheating on a partner can be a shady business, and a company in France has decided to exploit this gap in the market by helping cheaters cover their tracks.
search on: A-helping-hand-cheaters
Young Irish women earning more than their partners
The Economic and Social Research Institute in collaboration with University College Dublin has revealed that women in young couples in Ireland are increasingly likely to earn more money and have a bet...
search on: Young-Irish-women-earning-more-their-partners
Marines' love battle: After death of one, BOTH surviving comrades gave solace to his devastated widow
Kirianne Curley, widow of Corporal Stephen Curley, a royal marine had simultaneous affairs with his two best friends after he was killed by a bomb in Afghanistan, a court heard yesterday.
search on: Marines-love-battle:-death-one--BOTH-surviving-
Politician calls for marriage time limit
As many people take marriage less seriously and see it less as a life-long commitment, Germans may be offered a get-out clause if a politician gets her way.
search on: Politician-calls-marriage-limit
Scots behaving badly
Scottish singles are the worst behaved dates in the UK, according to a new survey.
search on: Scots-behaving-badly
Making a success of long-distance
Many couples begin relationships with someone living far from them. Others are separated once their relationship has begun. And it can be difficult to make it work.
search on: Making-success-long-distance
Schofield tops list of strange fancies
A survey of 5,000 women has revealed the men the fairer sex most hates to love.
search on: Schofield-tops-list-strange-fancies
Footballer 'falls for Lily Allen's curves'
A premiership footballer has revealed he would love to date Lily Allen because he wants a fuller figured woman, according to media reports.
search on: Footballer-falls-Lily-Allens-curves
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