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Search Results For "English"
UK Government cracks down on migrant hoax marriages
The UK Government is proposing to crack down on immigrants using fake marriages as a “back door” into Britain.
search on: UK-Government-cracks-down-migrant-hoax-marriages
Prince William's girlfriend makes it in common par
Kate Middleton, Prince William's on-off girlfriend, may become a fixed part of the English vernacular with her name making it into the new edition of the Collins dictionary.
search on: Prince-Williams-girlfriend-common-par
May: the month of lovers
May is the month of romance for British couples, according to a tourism expert.
search on: May:-month-lovers
Germans 'selfish in bed'
Germans have been voted the world's worst lovers in a new poll.
search on: Germans-selfish-bed
Kate Moss planning 'traditional wedding'
She may have travelled all over the world and been hailed as one of the world's most beautiful and glamorous women, but Kate is planning to keep her wedding simple.
search on: Kate-Moss-planning-traditional-wedding
Paris loves London men
US socialite Paris Hilton says she adores British men, while her family is thinking of making a move to the UK.
search on: Paris-loves-London-men
English men top in chat-up lines
British men are the best at chat-up lines and more likely to win the girl than their American or Aussie counterparts, according to new research.
search on: English-men-top-chat-up-lines
Karl plays Cupid for Katy Perry


search on: Karl-plays-Cupid-Katy-Perry
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