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Search Results For "February"
Mario Balotelli slept with Wayne Rooney prostitute 48 hours before declaring his love for his girlfriend
Manchester City ace footballer Mario Balotelli, 21, had a fling with Jennifer Thompson (aka Juicy Jeni') who was famously linked previously to Wayne Rooney. This happened in February 2012, two days be...
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Couple get leap year anniversary
A young couple have discovered that their chosen wedding day will mean they only get to celebrate their anniversary once every four years.
search on: Couple-get-leap-year-anniversary
Leap year proposals
It is just a little over two months until the day on which it becomes women's turn to propose is upon us.
search on: Leap-year-proposals
The evolution of Valentine's Day
There's nothing like covering all bases.
search on: evolution-Valentines-Day
Kylie and Olivier 'back on'
Kylie Minogue is reportedly back with her former flame Olivier Martinez.
search on: Kylie-Olivier-back-on
Flurry of proposals this leap year
Eight per cent of all singles are planning to pop the question this year, according to new research.
search on: Flurry-proposals-this-leap-year
The price of love
With Valentine's Day on the table, couples are reuniting and singles are perhaps looking, yet the day proves significant for happily married couples as well, with the day proving a big night for ...
search on: The-price-love
Jen 'dumped Brad'
When you've been in a relationship with someone for a while and it comes to an end, it can often be hard to determine who dumped who.
search on: Jen-'dumped-Brad'
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