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Search Results For "paying"
10 Dos and Donts Of Grown Up Dating
Every week for a year, Ursula Hirschkorn writing the dating column for the Daily Mail’s Weekend magazine, learnt the deepest secrets of Britain’s lonely hearts.
search on: 10-Dos-Donts-Grown-Up-Dating
43% of UK Men don’t mind paying to help land a Dream Date
Divorced men are back on the dating picture and are determined to find next Mrs. Right as per the latest survey results.
search on: 43%-UK-Men-don’t-mind-paying-help-land-
Mobiles killing the romance
Our obsession with technology is compromising our relationships, a new survey has revealed.
search on: Mobiles-killing-romance
Better to date than divorce
Couples may find themselves better off if they continue to date rather than getting married and possibly divorced.
search on: Better-divorce
Couple together 50 years after love at first sight
A couple in Oxford who fell in love at first sight are celebrating after 50 years of marriage.
search on: Couple-together-50-years-after-love-sight
Beckhams go on double date
Celebrity super couple David and Victoria Beckham went on a double date on Good Friday with another top celebrity couple.
search on: Beckhams-go-double-date
Brits go into the red for weddings
British couples are plunging further and further into the red in order to fund their weddings, new research reveals.
search on: Brits-go-into-red-weddings
British women 'are body-confident'
Contrary to popular belief, British women are happy with their weight, according to shock new survey results.
search on: British-women-'are-body-confident'
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