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Search Results For "Bottle"
10 Dos and Donts Of Grown Up Dating
Every week for a year, Ursula Hirschkorn writing the dating column for the Daily Mail’s Weekend magazine, learnt the deepest secrets of Britain’s lonely hearts.
search on: 10-Dos-Donts-Grown-Up-Dating
Message in a bottle to couple with same anniversar
After marrying on a beach on August 18th, Melody Kloska and Matt Behrs put their wedding vows in a bottle and sent it out into Lake Michigan.
search on: Message-a-bottle-couple-with-same-anniversar
Bottle blondes 'more confident'
Blondes really are more confident in the dating game and life in general and really do have more fun, new research reveals.
search on: Bottle-blondes-'more-confident'
Alcohol warning for loved-up couples
Married couples are being warned to ensure they are not drinking too much together, according to a new report.
search on: Alcohol-warning-loved-up-couples
A nation of fragrance hoarders
As the credit crunch bites, millions of British men are using bottles of aftershave bought more than ten years ago to save themselves money, new research reveals.
search on: A-nation-fragrance-hoarders
Men more supportive towards new mum partners
It used to be taboo among couples, but men have now changed their attitude towards their partner breastfeeding in public, according to a new survey.
search on: Men-more-supportive-towards-new-mum-partners
Titanic stars keeps love alive with husband dates
Kate Winslet has shared the secret of her successful marriage with director husband Sam Mendes.
search on: Titanic-stars-keeps-love-alive-with-husband-dates
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