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Search Results For "Mexico"
Orlando adds to Hollywood hotlist of lovers
The hottest young actor to come out of the UK in some time has bagged a Hollywood star, according to reports.
search on: Orlando-adds-Hollywood-hotlist-lovers
Aniston steps out with Sex and the City star
Jennifer Aniston is rumoured to be dating Sex and the City hunk Jason Lewis.
search on: Aniston-steps-Sex-City-star
Eva offers tips for dating sportsmen
Pop star Jessica Simpson has been given dating advice from Desperate Housewife Eva Longoria, about the tricky world of dating sportsmen.
search on: Eva-offers-tips-dating-sportsmen
Nice guys finish last
It's official: women the world over are drawn to bad boys, according to scientific research.
search on: guys-finish
Women fall for self-deprecating charms
Making fun of yourself is one of the best ways of getting a woman to fall for you, according to new scientific research.
search on: Women-fall-self-deprecating-charms
Amorous Brits head to Mexico
If you're still thinking of where to spend a romantic summer break, then look no further than Mexico, according to a travel expert.
search on: Amorous-Brits-head-Mexico
Woody weds
It seems it is never too late for some couples to commit to each other as it has been confirmed that Kingpin actor Woody Harrelson has finally married his long term partner after 20 years together.
search on: Woody-weds
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