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Search Results For "Video"
Scientists prove flowers really are a turn-on for girls
“Flowers activate romance and act as a facilitator in dating,”are some of the results stated by Dr Gueguen and published in the journal Psychology Press.
search on: Scientists-prove-flowers-really-are-a-turn-on-girls
Women dating men may want to check their hands, re
Women hoping to make a success of the dating game might be wise to look at a man's hands before deciding on whether to pursue a romantic relationship with him.
search on: Women-dating-men-may-want-check-their-hands-
The smell of attraction
A study has shown that women react to sweat produced by male sexual activity and that they may even be able to detect if a man is attracted to them by sniffing them.
search on: smell-attraction
Celebrities Greatest Kisses
Celebrities were asked to reveal their most memorable kiss for a Youtube video made by the British Heart Foundation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_cjAZoSZ44&feature=youtube_gdata_playerr
search on: Celebrities-Greatest-Kisses
Sing Date on Sky TV

Sky Living HD aims to use the love of singing to try and help someone find love.

search on: Sing-Date-Sky-TV
Women feel happy when their husband or partner is upset
New research suggests that women feel happy when they see their husband or partner upset.
search on: Women-feel-happy-when-their-husband-partner-upset
VIDEO: “7 hot tips for first date success”
Nervous about that date?

...then click here to watch Mary's video:
“7 hot tips for first date succes...
search on: VIDEO:-“7-hot-tips-first-date-success”
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