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Search Results For "true"
French first lady speaks of undying love
The wife of French president Nicolas Sarkozy has pledged to stay by her husband's side "until death".
search on: French-lady-speaks-undying-love
Uma Thurman is a 'hopeless romantic'
Hollywood actress Uma Thurman is a self-confessed romantic, despite having been divorced twice, according to reports.
search on: Uma-Thurman-a-'hopeless-romantic'
Jen 'dumped Brad'
When you've been in a relationship with someone for a while and it comes to an end, it can often be hard to determine who dumped who.
search on: Jen-'dumped-Brad'
Boys on top when it comes to finances?
Men in the UK still think they are in control of their household's finances, but their women seem to disagree, according to new research.
search on: Boys-top-when-comes-finances?
What men want
The perfect woman is a blonde, blue-eyed lass who earns less than £25,000 a year, men have revealed in a new survey.
search on: What-men-want
Clegg reveals dating prowess
Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has this week swept to the top of the leaderboard of things the British public would prefer not to know about their politicians.
search on: Clegg-reveals-dating-prowess
It's all in the face
Men are more attracted to women who want a fling, while the girls prefer men who are looking for a long-term commitment, according to new scientific research.
search on: It-face
Couples agonise over baby names
Giving a child the right name can help them get ahead in life, according to British parents.
search on: Couples-agonise-over-baby-names
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