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Search Results For "Anne"
Sex ban for Singapore jet's mile high passengers
The virgin flight of Singapore Airlines' new A380 was an exciting time for the passengers on board, but one form of excitement was ruled out.
search on: Sex-ban-Singapore-jet-mile-high-passengers
Couple get leap year anniversary
A young couple have discovered that their chosen wedding day will mean they only get to celebrate their anniversary once every four years.
search on: Couple-get-leap-year-anniversary
A third of Brits lie to partners about finance
Almost a third of all Brits have lied to their partners about their financial situation, according to a new survey.
search on: A-third-Brits-lie-partners-about-finance
Woman's cheating gets caught on Wii
A cheating wife has been uncovered via the media of her computer technology game-playing.
search on: Womans-cheating-gets-caught-Wii
Women favour surfing over sex
British women are opting to spend time online rather than getting friendly with the men in their lives, a new survey has revealed.
search on: Women-favour-surfing-sex
French president dating supermodel
French president Nicolas Sarkozy has begun a relationship with former supermodel Carla Bruni.
search on: French-president-dating-supermodel
Gareth Gates getting hitched
Pop Idol star Gareth Gates is to wed his long-time girlfriend.
search on: Gareth-Gates-getting-hitched
Ads issue dating 'call to arms'
Deodorant brand Lynx has launched a digital advertising campaign that incorporates dating advice for males.
search on: Ads-issue-dating-'call-arms'
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