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Search Results For "Law"
Prenups take on 21st century requirements
As more and more couples take out prenuptial agreements, in part prompted by high-profile divorces in which couples battle over how much each partner deserves, a new element of such documents has come...
search on: Prenups-take-21st-century-requirements
Longer legs 'are more attractive'
The science behind the attractiveness of longer legs has been explained by researchers from Poland.
search on: Longer-legs-are-attractive
"Me-time" scarce among workaholic Brits
British modern life is getting so hectic and jam-packed that people find it extremely difficult to find love.
search on: "Me-time"-scarce-among-workaholic-Brits
The evolution of Valentine's Day
There's nothing like covering all bases.
search on: evolution-Valentines-Day
Gays covet Daniel and Keira
Bond star Daniel Craig has topped a list of the British celebrities gay men would most like to date.
search on: Gays-covet-Daniel-Keira
Grooms 'uncertain' about brides' past
Grooms in the UK are not entirely certain about the whole of their brides' past, according to a new survey.
search on: Grooms-'uncertain'-about-brides'-past
More women 'suspect husbands of cheating'
An increasing number of women are hiring private investigators because they suspect their husband is having an affair, according to a new report.
search on: More-women-suspect-husbands-cheating
Divorces linked to social media
Facebook is increasingly seen as a major factor in marriage breakdowns with lawyers now using the site as evidence in divorce proceedings. An online study from a UK website www.divorce-online.co.uk f...
search on: Divorces-linked-social-media
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